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- 6/1/2017

2/3/1924 - 6/1/2017

In loving memory of Paz Meribeles Ocon who sadly passed away on 6th January 2017


- 8/1/2017

8/6/1984 - 8/1/2017

In loving memory of Richard (Richie) Alfred Powell who sadly passed away on 8th January 2017 Loved and loving son of Toni and Peter. Beloved brother of Mathew, Bec and Michael, brother-in-law of Jus...


- 22/12/2016

11/5/1937 - 22/12/2016

After a short illness, but a brave fight, Pat passed away surrounded by her family. Loved and loving wife to Norm (dec). Mother to David, Gerard, Matthew and Janine. Mother in law to Annette, Catherin...


- 19/12/2016

25/3/1939 - 19/12/2016

In loving memory of Palmiro Amodeo who sadly passed away on 19th December 2016


- 18/12/2016

11/10/1927 - 18/12/2016

In loving memory of Gertrud Herta Klinicki who sadly passed away on 18th December 2016


- 7/12/2016

6/5/1974 - 7/12/2016

In loving memory of Steven James Kelly who sadly passed away on 7th December 2016 Loved and Loving partner of Narelle. Forever in our hearts


- 21/11/2016

2/8/1934 - 21/11/2016

In loving memory of Vasiliki Sidiros who sadly passed away on 21st November 2016 Loved mother of Dessy, Con, Harry and Michael, & partners Adored Nonna of 8 Grandchildren. Forever in our Hearts.


- 11/11/2016

14/6/1944 - 11/11/2016

In loving memory of Judith Margaret O'Neil who sadly passed away on 11th November 2016 Judith Margaret O'Neil (Judy Henderson). Loved mother of Grant, Glenn, Robert, Ralph (dec. ) and Selena. Gone on...


- 9/11/2016

26/7/1936 - 9/11/2016

In loving memory of John Douglas Henwood who sadly passed away on 9th November 2016 Loving Husband of Kathleen. Devoted father of Anthony, Susan, Douglas, Julian and Colin, father-in-law of Toni and ...


- 5/11/2016

19/8/1940 - 5/11/2016

In loving memory of Ralph Ian Rickard who sadly passed away on 5th November 2016 Loved and loving Husband of Margaret, loved father and father-in-law of Les and Donna, Glen and Kylie. Adored Poppy of...


- 1/11/2016

24/11/1923 - 1/11/2016

In loving memory of Leslie Mortimer who sadly passed away on 1st November 2016 Loved and loving husband of Edna (dec) Beloved father of Carol and Janet (dec) Adored grandfather. At Peace


- 26/10/2016

17/11/1936 - 26/10/2016

In loving memory of John O'Keefe who sadly passed away on 26th October 2016. Loved and Loving Husband of Yvonne (dec) Beloved father of Elisa, Narelle, & Justin. Beloved grandfather of Bryanna, S...


- 29/9/2016

18/2/1942 - 29/9/2016

In loving memory of Robert Harold Leith who sadly passed away on 29th September 2016 First love of Josie. Beloved father of Craig, Karen and Michelle (dec. ). Adored Pa of Caitlyn, Ashlee, Zoe, Rebec...


- 22/10/2016

8/3/1962 - 22/10/2016

In loving memory of Tony Dilorenzo who sadly passed away on 22nd October 2016


- 20/9/2016

3/1/1979 - 20/9/2016

In loving memory of Danielle Rosemary Gorella who sadly passed away on 20th September 2016 Loved daughter of Nada Mother of Meyer Sister and sister-in-law of Thomas & Lydia Rest In Peace


- 14/10/2016

1/7/1930 - 14/10/2016

In loving memory of Keith James McGee who sadly passed away on 14th October 2016 Loved husband of Loretta(dec. ). Beloved father and father-in-law of Kathleen and Colin. Adored Granpa of Lucy and Ro...


- 13/10/2016

11/8/1951 - 13/10/2016

In loving memory of Pi Hoang who sadly passed away on 13th October 2016


- 29/9/2016

15/12/1937 - 29/9/2016

In loving memory of Peleti Opetaia who sadly passed away on 29th September 2016 Loved and Loving husband of Va Beloved father of Peleti, Alan, Angela, Sam, Gary, Donald, Emmy, Fred and Moses, and the...


- 19/9/2016

4/7/1959 - 19/9/2016

In loving memory of Jeffrey Mark Graham who sadly passed away on 19th September 2016 Loved and loving husband of Kim. Adored Dad of Jessie and Sam. Beloved son of Peggy and Ronald (dec. ). Loved brot...


- 18/9/2016

19/10/1926 - 18/9/2016

In loving memory of Elsie Henshall who sadly passed away on 18th September 2016


- 14/9/2016

14/3/1940 - 14/9/2016

In loving memory of Giuseppie Ugo Zaramella who sadly passed away on 14th September 2016 Loved and loving husband of Barbara. Beloved Father of Hugo and Ivana. Adored Grandfather. Funeral Service to...


- 11/9/2016

15/12/1993 - 11/9/2016

In loving memory of James Demmler who sadly passed away on 11th September 2016 Loved and loving son of Skye, stepson of Simon. Beloved brother of Jakob and Annalise, Bonnie, Lailah and Benji. Loved l...


- 9/9/2016

27/9/1937 - 9/9/2016

In loving memory of John Di Benedetto who sadly passed away on 9th September 2016 Loved and loving husband of Marina. Beloved father of Joseph, Joanne, Romina and Natalino, father-in-law of Adriana....


- 7/9/2016

12/9/1946 - 7/9/2016

In loving memory of Maxwell David Cuthbert who sadly passed away on 7th September 2016


- 1/9/2016

4/12/1927 - 1/9/2016

In loving memory of Judith Alma Ryan who sadly passed away on 1st September 2016


- 5/9/2016

14/1/1931 - 5/9/2016

In loving memory of Bruno Sabbadin who sadly passed away on 5th September 2016


- 2/9/2016

4/5/1922 - 2/9/2016

In loving memory of Joy Harris who sadly passed away on 2nd September 2016 Loved and loving wife of Ron (dec. ). Beloved Mumma of Joan. Grandmother to Julie, Samantha and Jason. GG to Mitchell, Madis...


- 29/8/2016

23/5/1955 - 29/8/2016

In loving memory of Rosa Rumbiolo who sadly passed away on 29th August 2016 Loved and loving wife of Vincenzo. Beloved mother of Palma, Pietro and Generoso, mother-in-law of Sav. Adored Nonna to Chri...


- 28/8/2016

31/3/1933 - 28/8/2016

In loving memory of Felix Andrew Brincat who sadly passed away on 28th August 2016


- 27/8/2016

14/2/1950 - 27/8/2016

In loving memory of Michael Kean-Ong who sadly passed away on 27th August 2016 Loved and loving husband of Christine. Adored father of Lillian, William and Helena. Beloved brother-in-law to Andrew an...


- 20/8/2016

20/7/1957 - 20/8/2016

In loving memory of John Gerard McDonald who sadly passed away on 20th August 2016


- 13/8/2016

9/10/1955 - 13/8/2016

In loving memory of Sitaiisu Elisapeta Paese who sadly passed away on 13th August 2016 Loved and Loving Wife of Fono Beloved Mother of Angela, Andrew, Anne & Israel. Forever in our hearts.


- 9/8/2016

20/12/1949 - 9/8/2016

In loving memory of Emmanuel Cristina who sadly passed away on 9th August 2016


- 29/7/2016

14/12/1939 - 29/7/2016

In loving memory of Hans Schmidt who sadly passed away on 29th July 2016 Loved and Loving Husband of Dianne. Beloved Father of Amber and Jade. Adored Brother of Gundula, Gone Wondering Auf Wiedersehe...


- 5/8/2016

11/6/1936 - 5/8/2016

In loving memory of Dieter Wilhelm Schelling who sadly passed away on 5th August 2016 Loved and Loving husband of Freda Ready made dad to Eva, Giovanni & Rita At Peace


- 2/8/2016

1/6/1938 - 2/8/2016

In loving memory of Luciano Enrico Baissero who sadly passed away on 2nd August 2016


- 31/7/2016

13/7/1949 - 31/7/2016

In loving memory of Mario Hector Loyola-Save who sadly passed away on 31st July 2016


- 28/7/2016

15/5/1928 - 28/7/2016

In loving memory of Raymond { Ray } Charles Willich who sadly passed away on 28th July 2016 In Memory of Raymond Charles Willich. Husband of Shirley (Dec). Father of Yvonne, Dianne, Matthew and Phili...


- 24/7/2016

29/11/1950 - 24/7/2016

In loving memory of Mary Elizabeth Garnar who sadly passed away on 24th July 2016


- 21/7/2016

20/2/1926 - 21/7/2016

In loving memory of George Edward McCann who sadly passed away on 21st July 2016


- 20/7/2016

11/6/1936 - 20/7/2016

In loving memory of Allan Patrick Moore who sadly passed away on 20th July 2016


- 17/7/2016

20/2/1939 - 17/7/2016

In loving memory of Stjepan Cupic who sadly passed away on 17th July 2016 Loved and Loving husband of Liza. Beloved father of Damir and Vesna Adored Grandfather


- 18/7/2016

8/9/1926 - 18/7/2016

In loving memory of James Gorman who sadly passed away on 18th July 2016 Loved and loving partner to Jean (dec). Beloved to the Trow Family. Now reunited with Jean.


- 14/7/2016

7/1/1941 - 14/7/2016

In loving memory of Kenneth Leslie Potter who sadly passed away on 14th July 2016


- 5/7/2016

22/10/1944 - 5/7/2016

In loving memory of Maria Ira Toscano who sadly passed away on 5th July 2016 Loved and loving wife of Avelino (dec) Beloved mother of Iona and Alistair.


- 10/7/2016

2/7/1923 - 10/7/2016

In loving memory of Mieczyslaw Kazimierz Rzeszewski who sadly passed away on 10th July 2016


- 12/7/2016

15/11/1954 - 12/7/2016

In loving memory of Mark Henry Greenberg who sadly passed away on 12th July 2016 Loved and Loving husband of Yvonne Adored father of Nicola and Oliver. Details for Mark's Celebration of Life, with a...


- 10/7/2016

8/4/1957 - 10/7/2016

In loving memory of Gordon Mark Morgan who sadly passed away on 10th July 2016 Loved son of Remza, beloved brother of Tanya, brother-in-law of Oscar. Rest in Peace


- 8/7/2016

6/12/1933 - 8/7/2016

In loving memory of Ronald Ernest Campbell who sadly passed away on 8th July 2016 Loved and loving father of Sue and Stephen, father-in-law to Wendy and Kev. Devoted Pa to Brianna, Robert, Rebecca, ...


- 6/7/2016

24/1/1935 - 6/7/2016

In loving memory of August Korp who sadly passed away on 6th July 2016 Loved and Loving husband of Florence. Beloved father to Gust, Valerie, Kevin, Leanne and Joseph(dec), and partners. Devoted gran...