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Zoltan Forgacs

26/5/1954 - 26/2/2017


Obituary For Zoltan Forgacs

Zoltan Forgacs was born on the 26th of May 1954 in Gyongyos, Hungary to parents Ferenc Forgacs and Ilona Milhalyi. His father was a train conductor in the town square and would often travel to other parts of Europe. His mother was an account for an insurance company and later on became a sales associate for a department store. He has two older siblings, Lajos, a doctor and a semi-professional volleyball and soccer player and Tibor a wine maker and a business man in the petroleum industry. The family were close knit and were well respected within the community.

During Zoltan's schooling years, he attended elementary school in Gyongyos from 1960-1968. His two best friends, Bela and John were great assets of Zoltan's younger years. However, after elementary school Zoltan had decided to undertake a trade as a automobile body technician, where he furthered his passion for cars.

Zoltan's two best friends Bela Pajtenyi a highly talented semi-professional musician and electrician and John Bozoki an industrial chemical technician had formed a trio. They were very close during their elementary years creating many adventures and laughs that kept their memories long lasting.

Whilst growing up, Zoltan was a very active person inside and outside of school. He excelled in many sports such as soccer, athletics, handball and swimming, as well as after school activities. Zoltan loved nature and appreciated its beauty. He loved hiking in the mountains during his school breaks and trekking through forests and bushland with his friends, taking in the flora and fauna that Hungary had to offer.

Later on in his years, Zoltan was passionate about automobiles, working hands-on with many vehicles. He would read up on many cars where he would become very knowledgable in this genre. From this, he was able to specialise in his studies in automobiles leading him into his career path as a panel beater.

After his studies, Zoltan decided to travel other parts of Europe visiting Germany, Austria and Italy. He experienced new cultures, foods and landscapes that broadened his dreams of travelling. Zoltan was living life, enjoying his younger years and being free.

When Zoltan returned back to Hungary, he was enlisted into the army and had been called for service for a few years. The army trained and tested Zoltan where he utilised his skills. His main task was to craft a telecommunication device, where it became known as a basic telephone prototype. He underwent physical training being prepared for battle when the time was ready. The army had taught Zoltan many aspects of physical hardship and technical skills where he gained more knowledge in becoming the handy man.

When Zoltan was released from the army, Hungary became more difficult to live during the 1970s. He started to think about the future and his prospects. He decided to move overseas in light of a better future. Zoltan had registered for Australia and soon after, with other Hungarian migrants, left Hungary. Zoltan had arrived in New South Wales and worked for a few years but then moved to Melbourne where he settled.

At this time, Zoltan had been working within his career path as a panel beater in a local wreckers company for many years. After a while, Zoltan found his wife, Melania, through social gatherings of friends where they both decided to marry in 1988. The pair had two children, Ilona and Tim. Both children grew up in a loving family environment, studied and worked hard for their parents. Zoltan and Melania were married for 29 years and raised two children that have reflected on their teachings. The family of four stuck together through all aspects of life which made this family close knit and strong.

Zoltan was a strong, caring, committed, motivated, knowledgable man that worked hard and provided the best for his family and himself. He was a selfless man that wanted the best for his children and protected his wife from many life obstacles. He always taught and explained his experiences from his life journey and wanted us to not make the same mistakes. Although family was afar, Zoltan kept his family close to his heart. He would have a laugh to lighten any mood and would always ask how our day was. He was a positive inspiration even when in self doubt he would convince us that it was possible to achieve your objective.

Special memories that we created as a family were usually on Zoltan's breaks from work. Sunday outings to church and special events such as Luna Park, Basketball matches and visiting the beach were happy memories. As time moved on, Zoltan and the family spent more time together and local visits to shops, the library and the church became more treasured.

Zoltan, although you are not here physically with us, we are still a family of four with your spirit. You have shown us that you are a devoted father and husband that loved us unconditionally. God had taken you away because he knew your time was ready to be called back into the Kingdom of Heaven where you will be reunited with your parents and Tibor. We pray that we will be reunited together again and that you are not suffering in pain no more. We pray that you watch over us in our life's journey and promise to keep you in our hearts. We will remember the happy times, although we may break down in tears, we remember that God has a plan for all of us. All we have to do is trust in God.

Zoltan, we miss and love you dearly. We pray that you come back to us soon. We will be reunited together again.

In loving memory of Zoltan Forgacs who sadly passed away on 26th February 2017.


23 Mar

Funeral Service

11:30 AM

48 Ballarat Road Maidstone,Vic, 3012 Get Directions »
23 Mar


01:30 PM

Champion Road WILLIAMSTOWN, 3016 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant

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  • 28/10/2024

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  • 28/10/2024

  • 28/10/2024

    Dad, I miss you everyday. You are always in my mind and heart. I know you are always by my side when I need you the most. I love you always. Ila.

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