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Ann Kenny

24/12/1934 - 26/11/2022


Obituary For Ann Kenny

In loving memory of Ann Lucille Kenny who sadly passed away on 26th November 2022

Loved and loving Wife of William (Dec) Beloved Mother of Graeme, Neil and Allison Adored Mother-in-law grandmother and great grandmother Remembered Always

For those family and friends not able to attend the Funeral Services, it will be live streamed on the links below.

[LIVE STREAM] Link for Live Streaming of the Funeral Service for Ann Kenny .


Ann Lucille Law was born on 24 December 1934. She was as an early Christmas present for her parents, Victor a 29 year old Police Constable and Emily a 23 year old typist. The family expanded 2 years later with John and then another 2 years afterwards with the youngest brother Alan.

Ann went to school at Earlwood Primary school (which was the same school attended by John Howard a couple of years later) and afterwards attended SDA high school at Burwood. Ann was affected by Polio as a child and spent some time recovering, and if you had asked Ann what helped her recover, she would always say it was the care and attention from her Mum.

Ann left school and started her nursing training at Balmain hospital, however some pretty serious allergies made it difficult for her to continue in her chosen profession. So pursuing a career change, Ann started office work and found herself working at Coates Brothers, a printing ink business. She soon met a plucky Irishman Bill Kenny, who had come to Australia for what was supposed to be a short work trip.

Legend has it that it was love at first sight for Bill, however not so sure if this was the case for Ann. Ann was more interested in her planned overseas trip, where she travelled by ship to London, Europe and South Africa. It was during this trip however that Ann soon understood that Bill was serious when a bunch of red roses tied with a green ribbon was delivered for her at each port her ship docked in.

Ann and Bill were married on 2 September 1959 at the Church of England Church, Earlwood Sydney. Graeme the first of their 3 children was born in February 1963, with 2 more children Neil and Allison following soon afterwards.

Ann faced some significant challenges at this time as a young mother, as children born with disabilities were viewed very differently than what they are today. However quite opposite to the advice she was given, Ann became a strong advocate for Graeme and others with disabilities and never gave up on the idea they needed to be given the same opportunities, love and kindness as anyone else.

Ann and Bill were members of Castle Hill SDA church and their faith was a big part of their lives, as was making sure the family was well cared for. Ann was a faithful homemaker and always ensured the kids were well fed, the house was spotless, right down to making sure everyone’s shoes were routinely polished on a Saturday night.

As time went by, Bill continued to work for Coates Brothers until the opportunity presented for him to pursue his own business. Ann worked alongside Bill in this venture which became successful, not only in part to their attention to detail, but to Ann’s fastidious book keeping which kept everyone on track.

By now Neil and Allison had left home and begun lives of their own, each settling in Melbourne. As they began to have children, the call was too great to ignore, and Ann, Bill and Graeme moved from NSW to Victoria so they could be closer to their children and grandchildren.

So another happy chapter with 3 granddaughters, Isabel, Bethany and Melissa followed soon after with 3 grandsons, Matthew, Patrick and Finn. The growing family provided lots of opportunities for fun, visits and of course plenty of food made by Grandma. Christmas time will always hold special memories of lots of presents, papa running around trying to clean up the discarded wrapping paper and grandma making sure the family was close to a food coma. Bill kept working in his business for some time in Victoria, until he retired. As often as they were able Ann and Bill visited family overseas and spent time with the family who lived in UK and Ireland. These special people remain close to the family today.

Unfortunately, health issues in the following years made life difficult, with Bill being diagnosed with prostate cancer. He faced these challenges bravely with his family by his side until being called home on 1 January 2014.

Since Bill died; Ann focussed on ensuring Graeme was well cared for, and kept Graeme at home with her until she was into her 80’s. At this time Graeme moved into Taylors Lane, a specialist disability accommodation where Graeme has thrived. He now has another family who cares for him very much and has been supported to live his best life. Unfortunately, Ann’s health was also declining and she made the decision to enter care. The family by this time was again expanding with grandchildren getting married and great grandchildren being born. Melissa and John married in 2016 and Isabel and Jake married in 2022. Melissa and Johns children, Michael, and twins Hazel and Laney provided laughter and comfort to Ann (or GG) as she was fondly known. And they were always keen for a cuddle and the chocolates she always had on hand whenever they came to visit.

All her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren provided support and love in her final days where Ann reminded us emphatically of her love for all of us and left us with wholly in the care of her heavenly father who she could count on for everything. We are comforted by the fact that we were able to provide her with this support and that she was very confident of where she was going.

Ann passed peacefully on 26 November 2022


6 Dec

Funeral Service

01:45 PM

126-128 Victoria Road Lilydale VICTORIA, 3140 Get Directions »
6 Dec


03:00 PM

126-128 Victoria Road Lilydale VIC, 3140 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant

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