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- 20/10/2018

8/1/1929 - 20/10/2018

In loving memory of June Irene Minihan who sadly passed away on 20th October 2018. Loving wife of Maurice (dec). Beloved mother and mother-in-law of Maurice, Patricia and partners. Adored grandmother...


- 14/10/2018

12/11/1949 - 14/10/2018

In loving memory of Leonardo Lee Leo Tardio who sadly passed away on 14th October 2018 On Oct 14, 2018 surrounded by family, passed away at Werribee Mercy Hospital aged 68 years. Loved and loving hu...


- 4/10/2018

7/3/1945 - 4/10/2018

In loving memory of Robert John (Bob) McGowan who sadly passed away on 4th October 2018 Loved and Loving husband of Annette Beloved father of Jessica, Tal, Eva and partners. Forever in our hearts and...


- 2/10/2018

15/6/1931 - 2/10/2018

In loving memory of Frank Camilleri who sadly passed away on 2nd October 2018


- 26/9/2018

24/7/1946 - 26/9/2018

In loving memory of Carmel (Charlie) Grixti who sadly passed away on 26th September 2018 Loved and Loving husband of Margaret Beloved father and father-in-law of Susan and Isaac, Carmen and Victor, J...


- 21/9/2018

6/4/1981 - 21/9/2018

In loving memory of Arti Paumil Amrutiya who sadly passed away on 21st September 2018


- 21/9/2018

14/1/1925 - 21/9/2018

In loving memory of Agnes Tompich who sadly passed away on 21st September 2018


- 18/9/2018

10/3/1933 - 18/9/2018

In loving memory of Mirko Peraica who sadly passed away on 18th September 2018


- 26/8/2018

28/11/1978 - 26/8/2018

In loving memory of Michael John Bibron who sadly passed away on 26th August 2018


- 15/8/2018

29/7/1941 - 15/8/2018

In loving memory of Luo Lukic who sadly passed away on 15th August 2018


- 19/8/2018

17/1/1945 - 19/8/2018

In loving memory of Paul Nicholas Magri who sadly passed away on 19th August 2018 Loved husband of Catherine Beloved father and father-in-law of Anthony and Yati, Matthew and Vickie. Adored Nannu of ...


- 18/8/2018

29/10/1955 - 18/8/2018

In loving memory of Roger Derek Doodney who sadly passed away on 18th August 2018 Loved and loving husband of Lorraine. Beloved father and father-in-law of Melanie & Alan, Michael and Joshua. Ado...


- 17/8/2018

28/5/1921 - 17/8/2018

In loving memory of Anna Davies (nee Trausch), aged 97, passed away peacefully 17th August 2018, at Prom Country Aged Care, Foster. Loving wife of Alfred (dec) Beloved mother of Nina and mother-in-law...


- 10/8/2018

3/4/1952 - 10/8/2018

In loving memory of Sione Kuli Niua Talau who sadly passed away on 10th August 2018 Loved and loving husband of Lepa Loving father and father-in-law of Louina, Meleana, Tevita, Pricilla, Thomas, Emer...


- 13/8/2018

30/5/1931 - 13/8/2018

In loving memory of Lorraine May Johnson who sadly passed away on 13th August 2018 Loved and Loving wife of Hilary (dec) Beloved mother and mother-in-law of Lee, Paul, Jayne and partners Adored Grand...


- 8/8/2018

27/10/1962 - 8/8/2018

In loving memory of Pankaj Natvarlal Chag who sadly passed away on 8th August 2018 Loved and loving husband of Pragnaben. Beloved father and father-in-law of Niket, Dharmik and partners. Adored Grand...


- 4/8/2018

3/2/1929 - 4/8/2018

In loving memory of Carmelo Bugeja who sadly passed away on 4th August 2018 Loved and loving husband of Antonia. Beloved father and father-in-law of Carmelo & Vickie, Arthur & Mary, Raymond (...


- 2/8/2018

1/9/1944 - 2/8/2018

In loving memory of Victor Zerafa who sadly passed away on 2nd August 2018 Loved and loving husband of Doris (dec) Beloved father & father-in-law of Winston, David, Jason and partners Adored Nonn...


- 1/8/2018

15/11/1955 - 1/8/2018

In loving memory of Ehambaram Jimmy Thavapriya who sadly passed away on 1st August 2018 Loved father and father-in-law of Gokulan & Christine, & Keerthana. Beloved son, brother and brother-i...


- 30/7/2018

15/2/1950 - 30/7/2018

In loving memory of Kathleen Anne Parsons who sadly passed away on 30th July 2018

In loving memory of Ron - William George Ronald Vernon Baddeley who sadly passed away on 30th July 2018 Loved husband of Margaret (dec) Father and father-in-law of David & Maria, Robyn, Joanne, &...


- 27/7/2018

25/12/1926 - 27/7/2018

In loving memory of Gerald Thomas John Woodland who sadly passed away on 27th July 2018 The President and Members of the Werribee RSL Sub-Branch regret the passing of their esteemed Member. LEST WE F...


- 23/7/2018

12/4/1957 - 23/7/2018

In loving memory of David John Birch who sadly passed away on 23rd July 2018 Dearly loved father to Jordan and Poppy to Cadence. Loving brother to Alan and brother-in- law to Isabel. Uncle to Daniel,...


- 18/7/2018

21/12/1932 - 18/7/2018

In loving memory of Barbara May Dolheguy who sadly passed away on 18th July 2018 Loved and loving wife of Kevin (dec) Beloved mother of Roderick, Raymond, Stephen, Gloria, Victoria Carol & Famili...


- 13/7/2018

7/6/1927 - 13/7/2018

In loving memory of Phyllis May McCann who sadly passed away on 13th July 2018


- 9/7/2018

5/9/1947 - 9/7/2018

In loving memory of Victor Guberman who sadly passed away on 9th July 2018 Loved and Loving husband of Clara Beloved father of Eli, Itai and Eldad & partners. Adored Grandfather. Forever in our H...


- 6/7/2018

19/8/1930 - 6/7/2018

In loving memory of Thi Hue Ta who sadly passed away on 6th July 2018 Requiem Mass for the Repose of the Soul of Thi Hue Ta, will be offered at St Vincent Liem Catholic Church, 95 Mt Alexander Rd, Fl...


- 9/7/2018

17/9/1933 - 9/7/2018

In loving memory of Hans Herman Muller who sadly passed away on 9th July 2018 Loved and loving father of Kevin (dec), Linda, Kerry and partners. Adored Grand father. At Peace Family and friends are ...


- 13/6/2018

1/1/1965 - 13/6/2018

In loving memory of Luchia Achol Solomon Mading Marol who sadly passed away on 13th June 2018 Loved and Loving wife of Martin Beloved mother of Ayean, Akol, Barkuei, Yohanna, Ajak, & Gum. Forever...


- 25/6/2018

8/5/1964 - 25/6/2018

In loving memory of Warren Brian Rickards who sadly passed away on 25th June 2018


- 18/6/2018

28/1/1964 - 18/6/2018

In loving memory of Paul John Simpson who sadly passed away on 18th June 2018


- 19/6/2018

15/10/1971 - 19/6/2018

In loving memory of John Aitken Montgomery who sadly passed away on 19th June 2018 Loved and loving husband, adored father, beloved son, brother and uncle. Funeral Prayers for the Repose of the Soul...


- 13/6/2018

17/5/1930 - 13/6/2018

In loving memory of Francis Thomas { Frank } Camilleri who sadly passed away on 13th June 2018


- 9/6/2018

13/2/1944 - 9/6/2018

In loving memory of Graeme Anthony Szczecinski who sadly passed away on 9th June 2018 Loved and loving husband of Nola. Beloved father and father-in-law of David and Debra. Adored grandfather. Flying...


- 10/6/2018

24/9/1935 - 10/6/2018

In loving memory of Leonardo Muia who sadly passed away on 10th June 2018 Il giorno 10 giugno 2018 è deceduto a Melbourne, all’età di 81 anni, il signor LEONARDO MUIA nato il 24. 9. 1935 a Bov...


- 5/6/2018

14/10/1963 - 5/6/2018

In loving memory of Premilaben Ramangiri Goswami who sadly passed away on 5th June 2018 Loved and Loving wife of Ramangiri Beloved mother and mother-in-law of Riteshgiri, Rakeshgiri, Krunalgiri and p...


- 4/6/2018

16/8/1971 - 4/6/2018

In loving memory of John Kolaj who sadly passed away on 4th June 2018 Loved and loving son of Mihil & Age Beloved father of Adrian Loved brother, cousin, & nephew. Forever in our hearts


- 2/6/2018

26/3/1946 - 2/6/2018

In loving memory of Maria Jurcevic who sadly passed away on 2nd June 2018 Loved and Loving partner of Mirko (dec) Beloved mother and mother-in-law of of Robert & Lana, Harvey and partner. Devoted...


- 31/5/2018

9/10/1933 - 31/5/2018

In loving memory of Charles Maxwell Dawson who sadly passed away on 31st May 2018 Of Loch Sport and West Footscray. Beloved husband of Valda (Nee Wilkins). Father of Gary, Lesley and Jane. Passed awa...


- 27/5/2018

11/3/1926 - 27/5/2018

In loving memory of Antonino Arena who sadly passed away on 27th May 2018 Loved and Loving husband of Carmela. Beloved father and father-in-law of Lina and Sam, Rosemary, and Luisa. Devoted Nonno to ...


- 23/5/2018

26/6/1936 - 23/5/2018

In loving memory of Kathleen Elizabeth Henwood who sadly passed away on 23rd May 2018


- 22/5/2018

31/10/1952 - 22/5/2018

In loving memory of Barry William Whelan who sadly passed away on 22nd May 2018 Loved and Loving husband of Jennifer Beloved father of Lee-Anne, Sean, Benjamin, and partners. Will be remembered forev...


- 15/5/2018

14/1/1996 - 15/5/2018

In loving memory of Yue (Peter) Deng who sadly passed away on 15th May 2018 Loved and Loving son of Jianming (James) Friend and Colleague to many. Peter touched many lives. . Well Before his time. .


- 5/5/2018

23/7/1950 - 5/5/2018

In loving memory of Dot Dorothy Anne Mulquiney who sadly passed away on 5th May 2018 Passed away Sunshine Hospital Saturday, May 5, 2018. Loved wife of Paul. Loving mother to Justin, Kirsten (dec. )...


- 24/4/2018

19/12/1930 - 24/4/2018

In loving memory of Harold Edward Crittenden who sadly passed away on 24th April 2018 Harold Passed away unexpectedly aged 87, at Footscray Hosptial on Tuesday, 24th April, 2018. Devoted husband of W...


- 21/4/2018

21/1/1943 - 21/4/2018

In loving memory of Lolohea Viliami Ofahengaue who sadly passed away on 21st April 2018 Loved and Loving husband of Kasantia Beloved father of Taniela, Vilisoni, Saia, Olivia, Fahina (Dec), and partn...


- 9/4/2018

10/11/1923 - 9/4/2018

In loving memory of Norman Lindsay Baker who sadly passed away on 9th April 2018


- 10/4/2018

1/5/1926 - 10/4/2018

In loving memory of Susan "Cissie" Marlow who sadly passed away on 10th April 2018 Requiem Mass for the Repose of the Soul of Susan "Cissie" Marlow will be offered at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catho...


- 17/4/2018

15/2/1929 - 17/4/2018

In loving memory of Kenneth Bellman who sadly passed away on 17th April 2018 Loved and loving Husband of Kathleen Beloved father of Gary, Craig, Paul and families. Forever in our Hearts


- 7/4/2018

22/6/1934 - 7/4/2018

In loving memory of Dorothy June Beryl Riley who sadly passed away on 7th April 2018