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- 7/9/2020

6/9/1944 - 7/9/2020

In loving memory of Mario Marino who sadly passed away on 7th September 2020. Loving Husband of Margaret, Father to 3 Sons and 1 Daughter, Loving Grandfather and Great Grandfather. Mario, born 6th S...


- 4/9/2020

2/4/1929 - 4/9/2020

In loving memory of Francisca Balderas who sadly passed away on 4th September 2020 Funeral Service to Celebrate the Life of Francisca Balderas will be held in the Chapel of Tribute Funeral Services a...


- 28/8/2020

26/5/1975 - 28/8/2020

In loving memory of Arkadiusz Golba who sadly passed away on 28th August 2020 Funeral Service to Celebrate the Life of c will be held in the Chapel of Repose, Altna Memorial Park and can be viewed vi...


- 1/9/2020

28/8/1938 - 1/9/2020

In loving memory of Bruce Leonard Adamson who sadly passed away on 1st September 2020. Funeral Service to Celebrate the Life of Bruce Leonard Adamson will be held in the Chapel of Tribute Funeral Ser...


- 30/8/2020

25/9/1939 - 30/8/2020

In loving memory of Bernadette Vella who sadly passed away on 30th August 2020. Loved and loving wife of John (dec). Beloved mother of Ray, Carmen, Joyce and Vince and mother-in-law of Guylaine, Char...


- 24/8/2020

23/7/1945 - 24/8/2020

In Loving memory of Kelvyn John Horan who sadly passed on the 24th of August 2020. Attached is the Eulogy given by his daughter Cheryl Kerr. Today, I am going to talk about a man, known to many of you...


- 7/8/2020

29/3/1965 - 7/8/2020

In loving memory of Joseph (Joe) Di Natale who sadly passed away on 7th August 2020 Loving and devoted husband of Rebecca. Adored father of Celeste, Jacob and Evelina. Loved son of Michele and Gregor...


- 14/8/2020

7/12/1927 - 14/8/2020

In loving memory of Herbert Adolphus Haines who sadly passed away on 14th August 2020 Loved and loving husband of Elsie (dec) Beloved father of Marlene, Steven, Brenda, and father-in-law of John (dec...


- 18/8/2020

20/3/1927 - 18/8/2020

In loving memory of Christina McBride Ballantyne Telfer who sadly passed away on 18th August 2020 Loving mother, adored grandmother and great grandmother. Much loved friend. At Peace in God's Care. ...


- 16/8/2020

23/11/1933 - 16/8/2020

In loving memory of Francesco {Frank} Baiano who sadly passed away on 16th August 2020. Family and friends are invited to Celebrate the Life of Francesco {Frank} Baiano via live streaming of the serv...


- 6/8/2020

16/12/1930 - 6/8/2020

In loving memory of Tomas Martinez who sadly passed away on 6th August 2020 Loved and loving husband Beloved father Adored grandfather and great grandfather. Forever in our Hearts Family and friends...


- 12/8/2020

14/11/1942 - 12/8/2020

In loving memory of Anthony Grech who sadly passed away on 12th August 2020. Loved Husband to Louise. Father to Anthony, Mark and Robert. Father in-law to Vilma, Sonia and Chantel Loving Grandfather ...


- 6/8/2020

9/2/1989 - 6/8/2020

In loving memory of Christopher Borg who sadly passed away on 6th August 2020 Loved and loving son of Antonia & Paul. Beloved Brother and Uncle. Forever in our Hearts Family and friends are invi...


- 27/7/2020

18/9/1931 - 27/7/2020

In loving memory of Vincent Jakob who sadly passed away on 27th July 2020 Family and friends are invited to Celebrate the Life of Vincent Jakob via Live Streaming through FuneralCast, from the Chapel...


- 21/7/2020

6/1/1930 - 21/7/2020

In loving memory of Giovanna Baldacchino who sadly passed away on 21st July 2020 Loved and loving wife of Carmelo (dec) Beloved mother of Mary (dec), Charles, James & Jennifer, mother-in-law of J...


- 19/7/2020

25/10/1953 - 19/7/2020

In loving memory of Heather Mary McEwan who sadly passed away after a short illness on 19th July 2020 Loved wife of Andy (deceased), daughter of John & Nilma (both deceased), Mother of Jodi &...


- 14/7/2020

25/10/1948 - 14/7/2020

In loving memory of Maria Eugenia Marin, aged 71 who peacefully passed away on 14th July 2020. Mother to Pamela Paz and wife to Luis Marin. Beloved daughter, auntie and sister to the Leyton family. M...


- 10/7/2020

5/10/1946 - 10/7/2020

In loving memory of Sandra Jean Webb who sadly passed away on 10th July 2020 Loved and loving wife of Norman Beloved mother of Michelle and Bradley Adored grandmother. Forever in our Hearts. Family ...


- 2/7/2020

20/6/1933 - 2/7/2020

In loving memory of Rudolf Marth who sadly passed away on 2nd July 2020 Loved and loving husband of Jenny Beloved brother, uncle & friend. Remembered Always Family and friends are invited to Cel...


- 14/7/2020

29/7/1939 - 14/7/2020

In loving memory of Ralph William Baker who sadly passed away on 14th July 2020 Loved and Loving husband of Mariam. Adored father & grandfather. Will be sadly missed. Family and friends are invi...


- 11/7/2020

20/12/1955 - 11/7/2020

In loving memory of Alphonsus Joseph Thomas De Roza who sadly passed away on 11th July 2020 Loved and Loving husband of Agnes Adored father of Catherine, Samuel & Shaun. Beloved brother, brother-...


- 10/7/2020

27/4/1948 - 10/7/2020

In loving memory of Kathleen Ann Watling who sadly passed away on 10th July 2020


- 10/7/2020

22/9/1941 - 10/7/2020

In loving memory of Laurie Alan Jones who sadly passed away on 10th July 2020 Loved and loving husband of Barbara. Beloved father of Karen, Michelle, & Debbie, father-in-law of David, Mark & ...


- 1/7/2020

16/1/1941 - 1/7/2020

In loving memory of Ronald Godfrey Wilks who sadly passed away on 1st July 2020


- 26/6/2020

12/8/1953 - 26/6/2020

In loving memory of Sesilia Akapo who sadly passed away on 26th June 2020 Family and friends are invited to Celebrate the Life of Sesilia Akapo, via Live Video Stream from the Chapel of Tribute Funer...


- 30/6/2020

30/12/1950 - 30/6/2020

In loving memory of Peter John Loone who sadly passed away on 30th June 2020 Loved and Loving husband of Erica Beloved father of Kerry, Kelly and Shane. Forever in Our Hearts The Funeral Service to ...


- 27/6/2020

2/2/1958 - 27/6/2020

In loving memory of Philippe Emmanuel Jean Le Scoul who sadly passed away on 27th June 2020 Loved and loving son of Mauricette & Emmanuel Beloved brother of Catherine and Bruno. Adored Uncle. Bef...


- 25/6/2020

23/6/1952 - 25/6/2020

In loving memory of Russell Francis Berry who sadly passed away on 25th June 2020 Forever in our Hearts The Service may be viewed via Live Streaming Service OneRoom from the Chapel of Repose, Altona...


- 17/6/2020

21/8/1952 - 17/6/2020

In loving memory of Lynnette Ann Scouller who sadly passed away on 17th June 2020


- 27/6/2020

12/10/1943 - 27/6/2020

In loving memory of Hermina Grandovec who sadly passed away on 27th June 2020 Loved and Loving wife of Adolf (dec) Beloved mother and mother-in-law of Doris, Renato, Erik and partners. Adored Grandmo...


- 25/6/2020

22/3/1948 - 25/6/2020

In loving memory of Aldo Beltrame who sadly passed away on 25th June 2020 Family and friends are invited to Celebrate the Life of Aldo Beltram, via Live Streaming from the Chapel of Tribute Funeral S...


- 19/6/2020

3/1/1946 - 19/6/2020

In loving memory of Kenneth James Smith who sadly passed away on 19th June 2020


- 12/6/2020

6/10/1959 - 12/6/2020

In loving memory of Paul Jamie Fraser who sadly passed away on 12th June 2020 Loved and loving husband of Christine. Beloved father and father-in-law of Anthony & Erin, Jared & Katelyn, Aaron...


- 9/6/2020

15/11/1949 - 9/6/2020

In loving memory of MARILYN BASINILLO-WEAVER who sadly passed away on 9th June 202 Loved and loving mother of Jessica and Kristian. Will be sadly missed by family and friends. At Peace, in God's Care...


- 17/6/2020

7/7/1927 - 17/6/2020

In loving memory of Francesca Giardina who sadly passed away on 17th June 2020 Loved and loving wife of Francesco (Dec) Beloved mother and mother-in-law Caterina & Vittorio. Adored Nonna of Antho...


- 8/6/2020

3/2/1953 - 8/6/2020

In loving memory of Gail Marie Long who sadly passed away on 8th June 2020. A Service to Celebrate the life of Gail Long will be held in the Joyce Chapel, Fawkner Memorial Park, Sydney Road, Fawkner o...


- 25/5/2020

2/3/1937 - 25/5/2020

In loving memory of Charles Falzon who sadly passed away on 25th May 2020 Loved and loving husband of Elizabeth. Beloved father and father-in-law of Ivonne & Geoff, Andre & Kirsten, Marcel &a...


- 19/5/2020

30/7/1981 - 19/5/2020

In loving memory of Caine Robert Howden who sadly passed away on 19th May 2020


- 17/5/2020

6/8/1947 - 17/5/2020

In loving memory of Joseph Barbara who sadly passed away on 17th May 2020


- 12/5/2020

4/9/1946 - 12/5/2020

In loving memory of Jose Eduardo Rodriguez who sadly passed away on 12th May 2020 Loved and Loving husband of Rosa. Beloved father of Emerson, Henry, Yeni and partners. Adored Grandfather. Forever i...


- 16/5/2020

19/2/1939 - 16/5/2020

In loving memory of John Sydney Meredith Lipscombe who sadly passed away on 16th May 2020 Loved and loving husband of Elizabeth. Beloved father of Phillip, Thomas, Belinda and partners. Adored grandp...


- 20/4/2020

20/4/1937 - 20/4/2020

In loving memory of James Wilson Johnston who sadly passed away 20/04/2020 Loving husband of Sheila (Deceased) and father of Craig, Lynne and Jim and there partners. James was loved by all his grandc...


- 10/4/2020

4/9/1963 - 10/4/2020

In loving memory of Thomas Biscan who sadly passed away on 10th April 2020 Loved son of Angela and Branko (both Dec) Adored brother of Mary. Remembered Forever.


- 6/4/2020

19/12/1955 - 6/4/2020

In loving memory of Janine Marie Kingston who sadly passed away on 6th April 2020


- 8/3/2020

15/7/1991 - 8/3/2020

In loving memory of Trent James McDonald who sadly passed away on 8th March 2020


- 7/3/2020

21/8/1929 - 7/3/2020

In loving memory of Shelley Isobell Jones who sadly passed away on 7th March 2020 Passed away suddenly aged 90 Years Loved and loving mother of Christine, Maureen, Anne, Frank and Geraldine. Adored G...


- 10/3/2020

18/11/1995 - 10/3/2020

In loving memory of Chedon Andrew Trey Dehar who sadly passed away on 10th March 2020


- 8/3/2020

9/3/1946 - 8/3/2020

In loving memory of Diane Fraser who sadly passed away on 8th March 2020


- 27/2/2020

5/11/1937 - 27/2/2020

In loving memory of Elia Marenco who sadly passed away on 27th February 2020


- 2/3/2020

30/3/1956 - 2/3/2020

In loving memory of Neil Alan Baker who sadly passed away on 2nd March 2020 The Funeral Service for the Repose of the Soul of Neil Alan Baker, will be offered at St Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Chur...